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Not So Seecret Saturday Alpha [The latest!]: In browser | Download

What it is:

Not So Seecret Saturday is a fork of Minecraft Alpha, which seeks to explore an alternative development path.
Or something like that..
Here, watch this trailer instead:

Not So Seecret Saturday is 2010-era Minecraft, but also has new features and bug fixes and quality of life improvements and enhanced multiplayer and fixed sound and working skins and a whole treasure trove of other seecrets. AND it runs on practically anything!*


1.1.12 is approaching the playtesting phase, and will be here soon!
The official Not So Seecret Saturday launcher is getting a fresh coat of paint, as well as support for Microsoft's new auth system.
An official Not So Seecret Saturday wiki is on the way.

Not So Seecret Saturday will be coming to even more platforms soon! So far PowerPC-OSX and Win9x are pretty much done.

You can read more on the development blog, or here.